Saturday 8 July 2023


Master Bryce was a jock with a fiery temper and anger problems. It's fuckin' great now,post glitched reality,where arrogant frat bullies can take it all out on older, pathetic faggot slaves. Even of they get so carried away,that often proves fatal.!

Resurrection glitches come in just as handy,so Alpha don't have to hassle with cleaning up and disposing of 'snuffed' faggots themselves.

"Ah,you're back..Next time you challenge my authority,CUNT,i might not bother resurrectin' your faggot ass,"

'Bu...but, i'm your teacher.'

Master Bryce kicks His faggot. "Dumb fuck...FUCK YOU. YOU'RE MY FAGGOT. You get that?."

Kicks His cunt again.

" I said. DO YOU GET THAT.?"

'Ow,..y...yes Master Bryce.' His faggot,former tutor cries.

"Good.. Now just lay there. 'coz i need to take a fuckin' piss and i can't be bothered to walk to the rest room when theres a faggot lying about."


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