Tuesday 29 August 2023



Poor Frankie the Faggot. Wouldn't it ever get home.?.It seemed to attract the attention of EVERY FUCKIN' FRAT JOCK ON CAMPUS.!. 

If the fag had full awareness to know,these boys were drawn to its presence like a moth around a lamplight,Alpha senses kicking off,...twisting,ripplling,perverting reality.

The fags will power AND free will was rapidly fading. Just give in to these young Masters.

These Alpha Frats knew just what they were doing. Tormenting the poor,weak faggot .Casting it out like a bait on a fishing line.Letting it have some semblance of free will,..And then brutally reeling it back in once line was cast too far .

--- ----- -----

Frankie the Faggot at least had reached the campus residences. Home was justa few blocks away.

It tried not to notice the young muscular jock,shooting basketball hoops alone,in the court not far from the campus gym where it had thought it had been saved from its ordeal as Frat Fag Bait by a kindly student,only for Him to be twisted into yet another violent,fag horny Alpha.

The frat glanced up at the faggot,giving a short passing nod. "Hey dude." before continuing his game.

The Fag said nothing. Just kept it's head down,fighting the overwhelming desire with all its might,not to go on over and fall on its knees before the jock stud.


it rounded a small path around a clump of bushes, and out..to find the same Frat dude step sharply and suddenly out from behind the bushes,and launch His basketball hard at the faggots solar plexus,winding the pussy.

He retrieved the ball as the faggot coughed and sputtered,half doubled over..

'Pl..please Master,..just le..let me go home.?' Frankie the Fag pleaded.

Master just laughed,bouncing the basketball and tossing from one hand.

"I tell you what,CUNT. If you can take the ball from my hands,i'll step by and let your pussy ass go by..?"

The fag hesitated,knowing Master was never going to play along fairly.

Master held out the ball."Come on then CUNT. If you DO really want to go home,homo.?"

The fag reached up to take the ball,but the Frat Alpha just tossed it from one hand to the other,and in a lightning fast jab. punched the faggot hard in the face,busting its bottom lip.

"HAHAHAHA. YA FUCKIN' PUSSY. Come on then. Try again" He said.

The faggot tried again. Same scenario. Though this time,Master punched it square in the face,breaking its nose.

The fag screamed in pain,clutching its battered face,as blood poured out.

"HAHAHA. FAGGOT. You're fuckin' hilarious. Such a fuckin' pussy." The sadistic Frat Alpha just found it so funny

He stepped up to the faggot,and gut punched it,making the fag collapse to it's knees.

"CUNT. Perfect position. I got so fuckin' boned up beating you. Now you can suck me off,like a good faggot."

The Frat Alpha grabbed Frankie the fags hair and yanked its head back.

He fired off a glitch,and the fags face healed.. Well,kinda..It still had brusies coming through,but at least the blood,cut lip and broken nose was gone.

"Don't want that faggy blood all over my dick now,do i..?"


On the far side of the court, the fag gad not realized two more Frat Alphas leaning against a wall.

The squatting Alpha turned to His Bro'..

"Damn,Bryce just found Himself a Fag. We gotta go get some for ourselves."

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