Saturday 5 August 2023


This is that moment when this Teen Alpha notices the faggot oggling at Him,trying to hide its stares under it's sunglasses. 

Dumb faggot. Barely seconds after the evil glitch rippled through reality,,He seemed to sense faggots nearby,even when they were trying to hide themselves and go un-noticed.

He just sat there,staring back at the faggot,with a very perceptive smirk,and flexing His big bulging biceps,making the faggot shift uncomfortably in it's seat,both in fear AND in arousal at being in the presence of such a hot muscular jock Alpha.

When it was too much for the fag to bear,it got up out of it's seat and headed out onto the quayside promenade,and into the nearby toilets.

The Alpha was soon following the fag,cornering the weakling and dragging it into the Fag Fuck cubicles to rape it's cunt and claim it for Himself.

Just goes to show. Faggots should never stare at Alphas. They NEVER get away un-noticed.!


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