Sunday 24 February 2019

Prepping (Fiction)

“Man I can’t believe you’re helping me prep for Thanksgiving. I’m going to get to eat so much!” Chris celebrated as he finished another one of his friend’s meals. It’d been nearly a few weeks since they started though. Chris had just made a joking comment but Greg took him up on the offer. But after trying some of Greg’s food, Chris couldn’t believe what he’d been missing out on. Fast food was nothing compared to what he was having at Greg’s.
And it was so much better for him too. Even though he wasn’t losing any weight, everything that had been growing in his waistline seemed to move around the rest of his body. He could feel his shoulders filling his sleeves while his ass poked just a little more out of his jeans. Every part of his body bulged just a little more.
“I’m just glad you like it,” Greg said grabbing the dish away from him. The only thing Greg didn’t like was how Chris would always add something else to the food. Didn’t matter whether it was dessert or a meal, he’d added a ‘secret ingredient.’
“Man you know I love it,” Chris leaned further into his chair and pat his belly. What used to be big and round was just a little bump pushing out behind his abs. “Even Lynne loves it.” He raised his arm and gave it a light flex. “Can’t believe how much this has changed just from a few meals.”
“It’s more than a few meals,” Greg corrected. He set the dishes in the sink and came back with dessert. “You’ve been working out more too. Don’t just put all the congradulations on me.”
“I know bud…” Chris yawned between bites. “Just you’ve been a big help. I just want to make sure you know I appreciate it. It’s just you’ve done so much too…” He yawned loudly as he finished his pie. “Man… I’m so fuckin sleepy…” his big body leaned even deeper into the chair. His eyes seemed to struggle to stay open as his body relaxed. “I don’t think I can drive home man… Mind if I stay the night? Lynne won’t be home till tomorrow around noon and I don’t think I can drive…”
Greg was a bit confused. Chris never was like this before. “Sure?” he still questioned. “I’ve only got the one bed though…”
“I think that’ll be fine,” there was a bit of a smirk on Chris’ face as he said it. Greg only caught a glimpse of it. “C’mon…” he groaned as he had to lift his heavy body off the chair. Chris staggered in down the hall stupidly.
“Is everything alright?” Greg asked. Chris staggered again. His bigger body leaned up against the wall next to him.
“Yeah… Man…” he droned. “It’s just you’re so hot…” A part of him must have realized what he said. “I mean you’re house is so hot.” He corrected but his eyes seemed to have lingered longer than usual. His big hand reached down and rubbed his crotch area as he held his weight against the wall.
“You sure?” Greg barely finished the question as his large lumbering body landed on his shoulders. He was almost taken completely to the ground as Chris’ much heavier body put all his weight on him. “Guess I’ll take that as a no…” he muttered feeling all of Chris’ dead weight literally on his shoulders. It took a lot of concentration but Greg was able to get the guy to his bed room.
“You’re so good to me…” Chris mumbled in his ear. He nuzzled his hairy face against Greg’s neck. “Lynne doesn’t like the beard all that much. But I just don’t have the heart to shave it. I know once I started growing it, you started paying attention to me more.” He nuzzled even deeper into Greg’s neck tickling the mush smaller guy. If he wasn’t careful he would have easy ended up on the floor.
Greg tried to stay on his mission to the bed. Greg was making it harder to concentrate but he was going to make it. With a great effort, Greg leaned over and set Chris onto the bed. Chris naturally kicked his socks and shoes off and scooted into a more comfortable position. His body covered most of the twin sized bed leaving very little room for Greg. ‘Guess I get the couch…’ he groaned to himself. Then realized what Chris had just said. “And how do you know that?”
“Pretty obvious bud,” Chris was rolling around on the bed. “Plus that’s what the guy said.”
“The guy?” Greg asked.
“Yeah man the guy… You think I got this hot just cause I’ve been working out a little more? Nah man… It’s cause this guy gave me something that said it’d make me super hot. Like I feel like it’s been working but it can make me really tired or horny…” He was rubbing himself a little more obviously. Greg’s eyes trailed a bit longer. His small frame stayed in the doorway. “See man… I knew you liked it… Just like me… He said it had to be in home cooked meals but Lynne doesn’t have the time to make those. She’s too busy working. That’s why I had to get you to make it. And then things started happeing…”
Chris’ voice trailed off again as he fished his dick out of his jeans. His big calloused hands worked over the moderately sized dick. Greg couldn’t help but star. Something in the back of his mind was telling him to just walk away but he’d thought of this guy in so many ways. So many different times he’d wanted a legitimate reason to see him. Greg knew it was bad but he couldn’t help but fantasize about is friend.
“It was so weird at first,” Chris continued as he worked over his cock. “I’d go home and get really horny. Pull up some porn but then now of the stuff I liked would get me off. Then I’d think about you. Just a little bit and I’d wake back up. My dick would go hard and it felt so fuck-ing good. But then I could barely get home before thinking about you. Then barely to my car… And now… Oh fuck
Now… Jesus. I can’t even… Fuck…” his mind was going all over the place. His body stiffened and a heavy load shot out from his dick.
Greg took a step back, his own dick still a little hard from that interaction. “You okay?” he took a step closer to the bed. “Chris?” he asked between snores. On the bedside he found a tissue and cleaned the mess up. Chris seemed to be sleeping rather soundly. A light snoring was coming from his mouth as his hands ran through his hairy chest. “Chris?” Greg whispered seeing if he was still awake.
In an instant Greg was grabbed and pulled into a tight hug. “You’ve always been so good to me,” his strong body pulled Greg tightly, not letting him go. Greg could feel his strong muscles not wanting to let his friend go. His grip was just as hard as his dick as he nuzzled deeper into Greg’s back. “So good…” he snored.

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