Sunday 7 January 2024

Rednecks.. They can be so loud and arrogant sometimes,blazing away their str8 macho for all to see..!

"Fuck brah'.. I was banging that fuckin' chick Marnie,all night long in the trailer.Just slipped right in there and spread the bitches legs and shoved my fuckin' MAN MEAT into her cunt,and made those juicy titties of hers bounce like fuck…. Damn bitch was moaning like a cheap whore. "

"Yeah dude,man,..i friggin' heard ya banging away.Seemed like all fuckin'damn night.?"

"Dude,we were both so  fuckin' high and wasted,man. Makin' me fuckin' hard just thinking about her slick wet pussy and titties.."

"Brad,dude,you're a fuckin' animal.."

"Yeah brah,.. that's˜because i'm a FUCKIN' ALPHA MALE.."

"Marnie still recoverin' in yer trailer i suppose..?"

-------reality glitch--------

"Marnie..Who da fuck is Marnie.?"

"That damned chick,ya dumb-ass..You that stoned..?"

"Chick,..Why da fuck would i wanna waste my time remembering that whores name.Them females only good fer bearin' offspring,not for lovin', ya get me. Ain't nothin' more fuckin'  turn on for an ALPHA than ripping a faggots cunt raw..?"

"Den go get yourself another fuckin' faggot,bro.. Ya been through at least 6 of the cunts since we got here two friggin' days ago..Matter of fact,there's one over there..?".

(Oh shit,they’ve spotted me by the festival dump skip.!)

"FUCK YEAH.. Fuckin' getting' horny just thinking about ruining another Faggot's cunt.!"

"Well FUCK OFF then,Brad.. I think the Faggot's trying to hide from you..And drag the bitches ass back over here when you finished,'coz i might wanna take a crack at it..?"


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